
Title: Hamilton
Released: 2020
Rated: PG-13

No one is throwing away their shot in Hamilton.

The smash hit Broadway show from Lin-Manuel Miranda came out 5 years ago – is it bad that I haven’t seen it until it was released on Disney+ in the summer of this year? All I can say is that I can understand why this is one of my BFF Katie’s favorite Broadway shows!!!!!!!!! Not only is the show based off of real people in US history, but the show is filled with 46 songs, including some amazing rap songs. The only Hamilton song I knew before watching was My Shot, but now I know all the songs like Alexander Hamilton, Helpless, Wait for It, Satisfied, and What’d I Miss to name a few.

If you want to know something awesome about the production – the guy who played Alexander Hamilton in Chicago and who now plays in Broadway in New York City started an Epilepsy Awareness campaign called My Shot at Epilepsy where you can take a picture of yourself doing the Hamilton pose from the poster. It’s just amazing how many people have already supported it. All the money that was raised went to Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE) which is an amazing non-profit.