Title: TrollsTopia Released: 2020 Rated: TV-Y7 Trollstopia is the brand new DreamWorks Trolls series that takes over from the TV series The Beat Goes On and continues the story after the movie Trolls World Tour!!!!! […]
Title: TrollsTopia Released: 2020 Rated: TV-Y7 Trollstopia is the brand new DreamWorks Trolls series that takes over from the TV series The Beat Goes On and continues the story after the movie Trolls World Tour!!!!! […]
Title: Trolls World Tour Released: 2020 Rated: PG HAPPY TROLLS DAY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!! Spoiler alert – we’re going to talk about stuff in the movie! Trolls World Tour is the long awaited sequel to one of […]
Title: Trolls The Beat Goes On! Released: 2018 Rated: TV-G Trolls the Beat Goes On! is the new Trolls TV show on Netflix, with a story line that takes place after the movie. It continues […]
I have been sick for the past couple of days and had to stay home from school (nothing serious but I sound like a stuffed up frog), so I have been watching movies and submitting […]
The Trolls are back to find the Bergens a new holiday! Let’s start with how after the first movie, the Trolls are now Best Bergen Friends (BBFs) with the Bergens in Bergen Town. Poppy sends […]
Title: Trolls Released: 2016 Rated: PG Trolls can’t stop the feeling! This is the second Dreamworks movie this year after Kung Fu Panda 3. In this musical comedy there is a troll named Poppy who is […]