Title: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Series Began: 2013
Rated: TV-14
Brooklyn Nine-Nine started back in 2013 on September 17th and since they have been Cool Cool Cool for five awesome seasons on Fox until They got cancelled so Dun Dun Dun! But then a miracle happened, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine was saved by NBC (thanks to all the fans who have saved the show because they didn’t want Brooklyn 99 to be cancelled).
My family has been watching this show since it started in 2013 – and there have been a lot of funny scenes. I can’t choose which one is my favorite but one opening from Season 5 was damn funny. So Jake was trying to figure out who killed a women’s brother and the only thing she remembered was hearing the killer singing Backstreet Boys I Want It That Way, so he had the 5 suspects sing to figure out of who the killer was.
I would totally recommend watching this show.
I’m giving this whole series a “5”, obviously.