Title: Kubo and the Two Strings
Released: 2016
Rated: PG
Kubo and the Two Strings was a great film! It was made by the same people that brought you Coraline, ParaNorman, and The Boxtrolls. I really liked this movie because its message was about keeping our loved ones near us by remembering them after they have gone.
Kubo is an 11 year old boy who lost his left eye because his Grandpa stole it from him as a baby. From the morning until the sun is setting he tells stories in the village, but must return home before night so he can take care of his Mom.
One day he stays past sunset when he is was not supposed to, so he can find out want happened to his Dad; but being outside at night awakens his Mom’s sisters (so his Aunts) and his Grandpa the Moon King. His Mom appears and uses her last magic to save him from his Aunts. Kubo escapes, but his Mom doesn’t.
Kubo wakes to meet Monkey who tells him they must go out on an adventure to find his dad’s armor. To protect himself and to defeat his family, he needs to find his Dad’s armor, helmet, and sword. Together they meet Beetle, and the three venture together to save him.
In the end, Kubo alone must defeat his Grandpa with his magic shamisen and with the power of memories.
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