Title: The Secret Life of Pets
Released: 2016
Rated: PG
The Secret Life of Pets was really funny! The characters played a lot of funny parts in the movie. One part that was funny was when Gidget met the hawk Tiberius, who was stuck on a chain:
Tiberius: “I will help you find your friend” [but tries to eat her as soon as he thinks he can]
Gidget [speaking angrily]: “Bad hawk!”
Tiberius: “I’m sorry… I have a problem. I will find your friend this time, really. I don’t have any friends.”
Gidget: “I will be your best friend!“
The funny part was when Tiberius begins thinking inside his head what it will be like to have Gidget with him as he is flying around the city.
One of my other favorite parts was at the end of the film. Max and Snowball are trying to rescue Duke from the animal control. They are driving a bus where Snowball is steering and Max works the pedals. They crash the bus (duh) and Snowball is passed out from the accident as Snowball’s gang arrives. They all think Max did something to Snowball but he didn’t. They are getting ready to hurt Max, but Gidget comes flying in on Tiberius! Max can’t believe it, and is like “Gidget?!?” So Gidget kicks ass by beating up Snowball’s gang! Max is speechless and says “Thank you Gidget!”, and later after Duke is saved, Max is still speechless but tries talking to Gidget… and Gidget just licked him while he was trying to talk.
Movie web site is at http://www.thesecretlifeofpets.com
Bonus: You can create your PetMoji at http://www.mypetmoji.com/make