Title: The BFG
Released: 2016
Rated: PG
The Big Friendly Giant should been called The Big Farting Giant Who Liked To Play With His Food. Sadly the movie was not good enough to keep me engaged – I was mostly bored but laughed a couple of times – you will know which times when you see the movie. The BFG is a small giant who is discovered by Sophie, so he steals Sophie from her orphan shelter and takes her to Giant country, where giants live. Those giants steal children, and eat the kids. The giants call them ‘beans’. The BFG lost his first human bean, and is determined that Sophie will be protected from the other giants. The BFG collects dreams from a special tree, and each night brings kids dreams while they are sleeping.
I didn’t like the film because at some times Sophie was mean. At first she didn’t understand him, and only wanted to go back to the orphanage. She soon realizes that the BFG is also an orphan. The only funny part of the film was when the BFG drinks frobscottle; some green stuff that the bubbles go down in, and not up, with explosive results.