Lego Batman Movie
Title: The Lego Batman Movie Released: 2017 Rated: PG He has darkness and no parents – that’s right! Lego Batman gets his very own Lego movie! Robin , Alfred ,and The Joker are all in […]
Title: The Lego Batman Movie Released: 2017 Rated: PG He has darkness and no parents – that’s right! Lego Batman gets his very own Lego movie! Robin , Alfred ,and The Joker are all in […]
Title: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Released: 2016 Rated: PG-13 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was okay, but it wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. The story takes place just before Episode […]
Site: I want to break from movie reviews to tell you about my friend Rachel and her company Pride Socks. Pride Socks sells vintage styled shirts, hats, tutus and a whole bunch of rainbow […]
Title: Sing Released: 2016 Rated: PG Sing is Illumination’s second movie this year after The Secret Life of Pets. This movie is about a koala bear named Buster Moon, whose theater has been falling on some […]
Title: Moana Released: 2016 Rated: PG Moana is Disney’s second film this year after Zootopia. Moana is a 16 year old girl who will become the new chief, but keeps going back to the ocean because she […]
Title: Doctor Strange Released: 2016 Rated: PG-13 Doctor Strange is the new Marvel superhero film. The movie was okay… it wasn’t as great as Guardians of the Galaxy; but Doctor Strange had some cool powers like […]
Title: Trolls Released: 2016 Rated: PG Trolls can’t stop the feeling! This is the second Dreamworks movie this year after Kung Fu Panda 3. In this musical comedy there is a troll named Poppy who is […]
Title: Central Intelligence Released: 2016 Rated: PG-13 Central Intelligence was a funny movie, because The Rock and Kevin Hart made it funny. At the start of the film, Bob Stone is bullied for being different, and […]
Title: Storks Released: 2016 Rated: PG Storks was funny in a way, because at first the storks were a baby delivery factory, but after Tulip was never delivered to her family, they started working as a internet package delivery […]
Title: Me Before You Released: 2016 Rated: PG-13 Me Before You was funny, but sad at the end. The story is about Louisa Clark who is recently fired from her job at a floral shop but […]